Quantum Computing Problems & Solutions

These are my solutions to problems in the book Problems and solutions in quantum computing and quantum information[1] using Julia with SymPy.jl within Pluto.jl notebooks.

The aim of this effort is to assist in improving ones mathematical rigor and know-how related to quantum computing using symbolic algebra and numerical computation.

It helps if you have access to the text by Nielsen & Chuang[2] while working through these problems.

About this site

This site is intended to provide a static render of the various notebooks along with some minor background material. The end goal is to somehow turn the static renders into dynamic notebooks using something like binder.

⚠ Note

The html bind objects in the Pluto.jl notebooks don't work with the static html output. However as of Pluto v0.14.8 the html exports now include mybinder button to run. This will work but requires setting up the proper Pkg environment for SymPy.jl after it loads and fails. An example of this would be to add the following to the Pluto.jl notebook running on mybinder:

Deprecated as of 10.7.0. highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated. Deprecated as of 10.7.0. Please use highlight(code, options) instead. https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277
	using Pkg
	ENV["PYTHON"] = ""
	Pkg.add(["Conda", "PyCall"])
    using Conda


The site is broken down by chapter and within each chapter there are programming problems (i.e. solved using SymPy.jl) and those that are just solved by "hand".

Using the notebooks files

Once the repo is locally cloned, the environment and pluto server can be instatiated from the Package.toml and dependencies from Manifest.toml from within the folder using the command line:

julia --project=@. -e "using Pluto; Pluto.run()"


julia> ]
(v1.5) pkg> activate .
(QuantumComputingProblemsSolutions) pkg> instantiate
julia> using Pluto
julia> Pluto.run()

[1] Steeb, W. H., & Hardy, Y., Problems and solutions in quantum computing and quantum information (4th Edition). In Problems And Solutions In Quantum Computing And Quantum Information, World Scientific, 4th ed., 2018. 10.1142/10943
[2] Nielsen, Michael A., and Isaac Chuang, Quantum computation and quantum information, Cambridge, 2002. 10.1017/CBO9780511976667