Problem 1. Let |0 and |1 be the standard basis in C2, consider the Bell state corresponding to two qubits:


If we now define two projection operators/matrices:


Calculate the measurement probability of qubit 1 corresponding to P^1. Furthermore show what the post-measurment state is and the probability for qubit 2 corresponding to P^1 in the post-measured state.

11.8 μs


12.9 μs
12.6 s
169 μs
1.1 ms


1.8 ms
25.3 ms

Notice that P^1P^2 is:

7.8 μs


557 μs

The measurment probability of qubit 1 having an outcome corresponding to P^1 is given as:

10.6 μs


255 μs
1.4 ms
3.1 ms

which is p1(0)=1/2 and noting that:

9.1 μs



8.6 μs

The resulting state from the projective measurement is then:

11.1 μs


1.9 ms

This resulting state is no longer entangled (i.e. it collapsed in the parlance of measurment interpretation). The measurement probability on the projective measurment state for the outcome of qubit 2 corresponding to the operaor P^1 is such:

8.0 μs
3.6 ms


9.2 μs